Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My cup runneth over.

I feel truly blessed today. I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with Addison and her being sick. She has been dealing with respiratory issues for over a month now, and last week the doctor told me that we were on the verge of having to put her in the hospital. They suggested taking a couple of days off from work, staying home with her and giving her medication (an inhaler) EVERY 4 hours. Thank goodness I have a job that allowed me to do this, because she is extremely better now. We have the last signs of a cough now, and actually may be able to go back to school later this week. I have never felt so out of control than I did when my little girl was sick, there is absolutely nothing I could do except hold her and pray that everything was going to get better. Well please keep us in your thoughts, and I am ready for spring now!! Here a few pictures I have taken lately of Addison the top one she would not look at the camera but I was trying to get her in her cute pj's and the bottom one was at school during her valentines party, the girl tore up some cheesy poofs!! xoxo.

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