Monday, March 16, 2009

RSV... what a mean little virus.

Well the Byrd family is finally seeing light at the end of a very long tunnel. Addison has been sick with what has been diagnosed several different ways for over 2 months. First she had just a cold, then they said it could be a respiratory infection, then when it was still around 3 weeks later they stated it was a bronchial infection and gave us a inhaler. Well last Sunday Addison was still extremely sick and was having to work really hard to breathe so I called and got her a appointment. My boss who is a nurse told me to be the "crazy mom" who ask for every test that they had and not to let them push us out with a guess at a diagnosis. Well as soon as the receptionist saw Addison breathing she had a nurse look at her and they pulled us back go to the exam room, don't pass go, don't collect $200.

Well the doctor came in told me what her plan of attack was that she was going to do a updraft treatment, send Addison for x-rays, take another treatment and at that time decide if we needed to go to the hospital. Well our x-rays came back with a small amount of fluid but the treatments were not getting Addison any relief so Dr Montgomery explained that Addison was going to need to go to the hospital. Well we checked in Monday evening around 5:00 and the first thing they did was give her a iv and tested her for RSV, by 7:00 the test results showed that YES she did have RSV. Well we spent days at the hospital which I can tell you is NO FUN!! But we now how our baby girl home and are slowly seeing improvements. Please keep our little sweety in your thoughts and prayers.



Monday, March 9, 2009

Time for a hair cut!!

I still have not figured out where my daughter gets her stubborn side from, lol!! But she has figured out that mommy wants Addison to grow out her hair and this means we need bows and clips to keep her hair out of her face and she WILL NOT wear them!! I mean I have tried several types, I have tried telling her no, I have tried spanking her hand, NOTHING works, she will not keep them in her hair!! So I gave up the fight and got her hair cut. My brother and sister in law went along for the show but Addison seems to be like mommy and love getting her hair cut, so here are a few pictures that I found to be too funny. As you can see Joy gave Addison a sucker to keep her attention. xoxo.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Byrd's help stimulate the economy!!

Well Denny, Branden, Addison and I went shopping this past Saturday in attempt to find the perfect swing set for our backyard. Branden has asked several times if we could get a jungle gym with monkey bars and a fort that he could play in and we know that Addison will love having a swing and play area also... so the search began. We started at Rainbow play systems on Rodney Parham well lets just say that they were a BIT out of our price range. They are looking to build play systems for schools or day cares, not 2 children. So we traveled on to our next location Watson's in NLR. Now I have seen years of advertisements for this facility but had never been so I was sceptical. Well lets just say that I was pleasantly surprised!! They had everything we could want and more!! They also had several play sets on sale including the one we ended up buying!! So as of Friday this week we will have a fabulous play system for the kiddos!! We can't wait!!